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  • Arihant Lic AAO Preliminary Exam Book

Arihant Lic AAO Preliminary Exam Book

SKU: 9789324196958
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Selection of Assistant Engineer and Assistant Administrative Officers will be done through a three tired process and subsequent Pre recruitment Medical examination

PHASE 1 : Preliminary Examination Preliminary Examination consisting of objective test will be conducted online The test will have three sections with separate timings for each section as follows

Subject In Lic AAO Pre. Exam 

English language

Reasoning ability

Quantity aptitude

Phase 2 : Main examination will consist of objective tests for 300 marks and descriptive test for 25 marks Both the objective and descriptive test tube online. The objective test will have separate timing for every section Candidates will have to answer descriptive test by typing on the computer Descriptive test will be administered immediately after the completion of the objective test

In The Mains Examination These Subject Include

Reasoning ,

General Knowledge Current Affairs

Professional knowledge

Insurance and financial marketing

English Language Test (Essay Writing and Letter Writing )

Phase : 3


Marks obtained in the Main Examination only will be considered for short listing for interview.

About The Book

In This LIC AAO pre Exam Book 2500+ MCQ for Exam Practice and 3 Practice Sets based on latest pattern

In this book available last year exam solved paper

Publication Arihant Publication 
Edition 2020


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